The Zack Files is about young Zack Greenburg and the odd things that continually happen to him. An accidental young “Fox Mulder,” Zack has an interesting crew of friends who help him out of these extraordinary circumstances. Zack’s humorous adventures into the un-boring lead him and the gang to lessons about life that they may have otherwise missed. They learn that if you have the courage to see things as they “really are,” life becomes a non-stop discovery—sometimes scary, sometimes wacky, but never dull. Zack knows something that most people don’t—that life is weird—full of the strange, the spooky, the inexplicable—and the startling fact is that it’s there for anyone to see who is willing to open their eyes and look.
- 52 half-hour episodes currently air on YTV in Canada and Channel 4 in the UK.
- Based on the successful book series by Dan Greenburg.